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The Command of the Ocean : A Naval History of Britain 1649-1815, N. A. M. Rodger
Treblinka: A Survivor's Memory, Chil Rajchman, Solon Beinfeld
Napoleon III and His Carnival Empire, John Bierman
Secrets of the Code, Daniel Burstein
GCSE Modern World History, Hugh Jebson (Ex Lib)
Coming of the Railways (All About) (Ex Lib)
Dictatorship (Political & Economic Systems), David Downing & Richard Tames (Ex Lib)
Modern European History: 1871-1975 (A Level Documentary Reader), David Welch (Ex Lib)
Confucius: Great Chinese Philosopher (Great Names), Anna Carew-Miller, Shi-Ming Zhang (Ex Lib)
The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Medieval World, Andrew Jotischky, Caroline Hull, Simon Hall, John Haywood (Ex Lib)
Leonardo Da Vinci, The Flights of the Mind, Charles Nicholl
Forbidden Britain: Our Secret Past 1900-1960, Steve Humphries, Pamela Gordon
The Wars of the Roses, J. R. Lander
Stately Secrets: Behind-The-Scenes Stories from the Stately Homes of Britain, Richard, Earl of Bradford
The First World War, 1914-1918, Gerd Hardach
The Raiders: The Army Commandos 1940-46, Robin Neillands
The Secret Hunters, Anthony Kemp
Who Killed Kennedy?: The Definitive Account of Fifty Years of Conspiracy, Matthew Smith, Cyril H. Wecht
Walsingham, Alan Haynes
Assassination: 20 Assassinations That Changed the World, Silver Dolphin Press, Lee Davis
Wolverhampton Memories
Against All Odds! Dramatic Last Stand Actions, Bryan Perrett
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Tudors But Were Afraid to Ask, Terry Breverton
The Lynmouth Flood Disaster, Eric R Delderfield
Naseby The Decisive Campaign, Glenn Foard SIGNED
D-Day, Stephen E Ambrose
The Face of Battle, John Keegan
The Making of Henry VIII, Marie Louise Bruce (ex.lib)
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War
Young Jesus, Jean-Pierre Isbouts
One in the Eye for Harold, Phil Mason
I Know You Got Soul, Jeremy Clarkson
The Birth of Christianity, Reality and Myth, Joel Carmichael