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Paperweight, Stephen Fry
Exploring the Galaxies, Simon Mitton
Space and Time in the Modern Universe, P.C.W.Davies
Space, Time, and Gravity, Robert M Wald
Four Lectures on Relativity and Space, Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Stars Planets and Galaxies, Sune Engelbrektson
Where to Watch Birds in Devon & Cornwall, David Norman & Vic Tucker
The Cambridge Companion to Atheism, Michael Martin
The Revenge of Gaia, James Lovelock
Introduction to the Cabala, Tree of Life, Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi
Early Modern Europe 1500-1789. Pt2 of 3. A History of Europe, H G Koenigsberger
A Companion to Piers Plowman
The Quantum World, J C Polkinghorne
Herodotus. The History, David Grene
How Big is Infinity? The 20 Big Maths Questions, Tony Crilly
Obedience to Authority, Stanley Milgram
Nature Conservation in Britain, Sir Dudley Stamp
Birds in Art, Ferdie McDonald
The Welfare State in Britain since 1945, Rodney Lowe
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual 351, Honda Accord
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual 052, Austin Maxi
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual 337, Talbot / Chrysler Alpine & Solara Minx & Rapier
Haynes Owners Workshop Manual 362, Renault 14
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Haynes Owners Workshop Manual 1559, Peugeot 405 (Petrol)
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The Innocent Man, John Grisham
The Unmumsy Mum Diary, Sarah Turner
Adventures On The High Teas : In Search of Middle England, Stuart Maconie
Nutshells Constitutional and Administrative Law, Third Edition, Greer Hogan
The Busy Girls Guide to Looking Great, Caroline Jones
Killer Poker Online 2, John Vorhaus
The Gospel According to Chris Moyles, The Story of a Man and his Mouth
Beautiful Child, Torey Hayden.