The Mirror of Dharma: How to find the real meaning of human life, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Condition: VERY GOOD
Edition/Year: 2018
Publisher: Tharpa
Pages: 319
Format: Paperback
Although we want to be happy all the time, even during sleep, we do not know how to do this. If someone were to ask us how to do this, we would have no clear answer. Do you have a clear answer? Some people may say, "I will be happy all the time if I become wealthy, enjoy a good reputation and have the opportunity of a relationship with the person I desire." This is not true. We can see that people who have all these things also experience great unhappiness and many problems. Many wealthy people and those in high positions experience great suffering and many dangers. We see and hear news about such things all the time.
In this book, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso addresses questions like:
* Why do we need to practice Buddha's teachings?
* Why do I need to be concerned for my future lives?
* Why do we need permanent liberation from suffering?
Buddha's teachings, or Dharma. are the practical method to find the real meaning of human life. Because Dharma is very profound, when we are reading Dharma books we should contemplate their meaning again and again until it touches our heart. This is very important for everyone.