An Introduction to the Gawain-Poet, Ad Putter
Title: An Introduction to the Gawain - Poet
Condition: GOOD
Author/s: Ad Putter
Edition/Year: 1996
Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman
Pages: 256
Format: Hardback
Category: English Medieval Literature
About the Book:
The late fourteenth century produced a crop of brilliant writers: Chaucer, Langland and Gower. Their achievement was rivalled only by a series of four works generally agreed to have been written by a single northern author, known as the Gawain-Poet. This book introduces the reader to the Gawain-Poet's four surviving works: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Patience, Pearl and Cleanness.
Combining earlier scholarly findings with fresh research and ideas, this book sets the poetry in its historical and literary context, as well as developing new critical approaches drawn from sociology and philosophy which bring an innovative and exciting dimension to the work.
The introductory chapter sets the historical scene for the poems and throughout the text the author provides fresh translations of passages from the poems and difficult foreign material. An extensive bibliography of both primary and secondary sources and an index of names and topics aid accessibility and complete the book.